Sunday, March 6, 2011

Some electro

Begin from 2:29

Something special :)

Like this song

And of course I couldn't help but paste this song to the end of the list ;) Soon... the second part of the movie-cartoon... just because of that you should listen to it. I like that cartoon...

Monday, February 21, 2011


So many thoughts I have to tell you.
But it is often so lazy to do that.

Lazy? no. It's... just... I see more productive affairs, then write in this blog. And then, when I have spare time, and I sit in front of my laptop - open my blogger - I find other things I need to do.

Three things I'll describe soon:
  • Friends
  • Aims and goals - how not to avoid your way to the goal
  • Periods of living

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why did I fill the form "from" this way?

Because I want to be there sometime. Kinshasa... Is it good there?

Also the short list of what I would like to visit (I'll add some sites, and this list will be filled up, so it will be big) :

  • République des Seychelles
  • Monaco
  • Sydney
  • Indonesia (many places)
  • Thailand
  • Colorado


Just do it :)

For me the better sounding of this slogan is: 
-=Screw it, just do it.=-

I found it in a book of Richard Branson. Dont remember the title of the book, unfortunatelly. But he is a person I totally respect.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How hard it is to make your life plan...

Typing under inebriation...
Often I think of the main idea of my life. Now - it's one idea, tomorrow (figuratively) is another.
All my life has different periods. Periods of thinking, of world understanding, of what I want from my life.
I'll try to describe my periods tomorrow, cause I'm drunk now, and just wanna sleep ;)
Hope, it will be a good topic. A good topic for me, to level my periods :)

Good night for me. I know, it will be a deep sleep.I'll sleep like a dog. I'm so tired today.

So, think, what do you want in your life? Just some small things, or it can be huge, I don't know... just think...

eek... oh, btw, I wanted to write down about "just do it" - I'll try to do that tomorrow, if I dont forget.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Nostalgia: is that good or bad?

Yesterday was the day, when I could really think back a lot. I've even devided some of my periods in life (some of them I'll try to describe some day), and that was great.

For me, nostalgia is kinda good or something. If you have nostalgia - then you can remember something, and if it is so - you can say that your life till now wasnt empty.

I don't know is it bad to be pathetic about that, but sometimes these feelings come up and I just say "how good it was there!". The main thing to do then - not to live in past, but past is what you need to have.

A kind of crapy shit ... I mean...  what I've just said, though I just wanna sleep.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Whatever we chose to do...

- Have you ever chosen a thing you wanna do?
- We all have.
- Have you ever riched the goal?
- Hmm...

That's I'm saying. "I'm gonna do it!" And what? No words, please, only action.